Clean Eating Myths and Truths

Myths 1 : Clean eating is always best for us

Fact : Eat clean doesn't mean that the person is taking the best approach for his/her health

Some people can develop an obsession with finding the cleanest food or what they put into their bodies to the point where they mentally or physically punish themselves if they eat something they do not believe is clean
If the persons adopt an unhealthful attitude toward eating and feel guilty what they put into their food, they should see the doctor. Most treatments focus on cognitive - behavioral approaches where they learn to recognize their obsessive thoughts

Myths 2 : Some foods are dirty

Fact : Just because food has additives doesn't mean it's unhealthy

Some people may refuse to eat foods that contain additives because they thought it's unhealthy, however there are some beneficial food additives.
Eg. Vitamin D can be added to milk to enhance bones or omega-3 and calcium to soya milk.
These foods may not be pure literally but can help to achieve daily nutritional needs.

Myths 3 : Clean eating is healthful eating

Fact : A person can eat healthful foods without having to call them clean food

A healthy eating meal contains :
- A variety of colorful fruits and vegtables
- Healthy oils such as olive oil
- Whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice
- Protein sources such as fish, lean meats, poultry, nuts, dairy food
- Drinking water, tea and coffee with little or no sugar added

A healthful diet does not to be as restrictive as clean one. What is important, the person has a healthy attitude towards foods. It is essential that persons do not feel guilty if they have the occasional cheat days.

(Source : Medical News Today)


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