FITNESS GOAL 1 : Weight Loss

This is the common goal that many people set especially those who have BMI in overweight and obese range.
Losing weight can be achieved within short or long term.

Short term means we can loss quite amount of weight within days or weeks. It's usually preferred by those who have upcoming party, wedding or important events.

The fastest way to do that is CRASH DIET.
There are many types of crash diet but the basic understanding is the same. We limit the number of calories intake or restrict the food that we take.
Some are totally avoid carbs, some only eat fruits and vegetables.

Does it work ? Yes, it's been proven that we can lose weight by using this method


Is it sustainable ? No, our body system will react differently and once we stop this method and back to normal diet, our body will gain more weight than before. It's also called yo-yo method.

I will explain more about crash diet method, pros and cons here.

Long term solution means we can loss weight within months or even years. This process may be very slow and many people give up half way because they don't see fast results or their expectation is too high and unrealistic but once we are patience, discipline and committed enough, the result will reveal by itself and is more sustainable.

I have done Long Term Weight Loss Programme and it's proven.
We need to have proper diet plans and combined with regular cardio - resistance exercise.
For diet plans, I recommend CLEAN EATING Diet Plans which is a balance diet but no / less salt, sugar, artificial preservation or seasoning. For those who want to loss weight, we need to reduce our calories intake without starving our body.

30 minutes cardio exercise is recommended to burn the extra calories and fat storage in our body system and 10 - 15 minutes resistance exercise.
We can do high impact cardio - exercise like running, jogging, aerobics or non-impact exercise like cycling, swimming. Make sure we give our muscles and body break for a day or two before continue for another cardio exercise.


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