Step by Step to achieve our Fitness Goals - Weight Loss

This topic is more practical and since I have done it before, it's absolutely attainable if we have self discipline and commitment.
Weight loss is the most common goal that everyone has, even skinny people will say that they still need to loss weight. So I will start the first fitness goal with weight loss and eventhough this goal is focusing to the groups who have BMI overweight and obese range, it still applicable to the rest of the group.

STEP BY STEP to achieve our fitness goals - Weight Loss

Case Study :
The height is 155cm and the weight is 60kg. BMI is 25
You can check your BMI using this calculator 
BMI Categories :
underweight : =< 18.5
healthy range : 18.5 - 24.9
overweight : 25 - 29.9
obesity : greater than 30
So from this BMI categories, it's slightly overweight.

1. Start with SMART GOALS
Our target is to get into healthy range which after calculated the ideal weight is 55kg.
We need to lose 5kg within 3 months.
We can break down to 1.5kg a month.
Write down our goal in paper and paste it in the place that you always see for eg Refrigerator door or Toilet Mirror

2. Start measuring our body using chart progress report.
If we have the body composition machine, it will be great, otherwise we can use our body measurement as I have explained in chart progress report before

3. The rules of thumb to lose weight : Calorie Out > Calorie In
We need to reduce our calories in by adjusting our diet plans and increase calories out by doing some exercises

4. Diet plans
I personally don't recommend crash diets especially if our body is used to eat anything.  Instead, we can cut our portion or substitute with healthy choice.
For eg Breakfast, instead of heavy breakfast such as noodle or nasi lemak, we can substitute with multigrain toast with fruits or fruits smooties with unsweetened milk, or we can have granula oats with plain greek yoghurt.

Remember : It's advisable not to skip any breakfast, because our body will stimulate hunger hormone and we intend to eat more during lunch or snack time.

For lunch and dinner, we can cut our carb portion, for eg 10 spoons of rice -> 5 spoons of rice with more lean meats and vegetables

For snack time, we could change our chocolate bar or potato chips with fruit salad

For drink, if we are used to drink sweet drink (Coffee or tea with sugar or concentrated juice), we can change it to lemon infused water

Those simple change may not be able to produce the result overnight, but it will become the good habit for long term.

I recommend clean eating or healthy diet plans which balanced diet is the key but with no/less sugar, salt, artificial seasonings and preservatives.

5. Exercise 3X a week
To increase our CALORIES OUT, we need to commit ourselves to set a time for exercise.
We don't need an hour or more to exercise or go to the gym center. We can do it at our home sweet home as long as we have self disciplined.
I have created some video of 30 minutes circuit trainings that will burn our calories without burning our money.
Aim for 30 minutes exercise, 3x a week.



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