Truth or Myths About Exercises

Myth 1 : Strength Training Can Make You Bulky

Truth : It's pretty hard for woman to get bulky unless she takes additional supplements like steroid or hormone pills. Female doesn't have as much as testosterone like a man

Myth 2 : Losing Fat On Certain Body Parts

Truth : Fat cells are distributed across entire body. We need to lose overall body fat. High Intensity Cardio and strength training can help us to achieve our goal losing body fat

Myth 3 : Doing Cardio Can Lose Weight

Truth : Endless hours and miles alone don't guarantee us to lose weight. We need to add strength training to help our lean muscles burn fats and calories while we are in rest. 

Myth 4 : Sweating Means We Burn Lots of Calories

Truth : It's not necessary. We sweat because our core temperature increases. Our muscles create heat when we exercise and tough exercise will increase internal temperature and create sweat but it also depends on the temperature where we are working out in. 

Myth 5 : We Should Work Out Everyday to Lose Weight Faster

Truth : When we are working out, our muscles fibers are broken down so they can rebuild stronger. We need to give our body time to recover. Alternate days is recommended if we are exercise lover.


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