Year End reflection 2018

It's been a great year so far.
I have accomplished my new year resolutions to exercise 3 - 4 times a week, maintain my healthy lifestyle, clean eating.

Things I have done this year :

1. I challenge myself in the gym to lift heavier weights up to 6kg dumb bells, doing faster in circuit training, trying new exercise like TRX and modify my exercise regime here and there
2. I eat clean eating diet and it works wonder. No/less salt, no sugar, less preservatives, balance diet 
3. Prayer and contemplation in the morning works awesome too. It gives me inner peace and I'm able to see things differently and more positive
4. Starting community exercise, it encourages me to share and inspire others to stay fit and healthy through exercise and eating properly and healthy

I'm satisfied and proud of myself for what I have achieved this year and look forward new challenges and new meaningful life in year 2019

Au revoir 2018


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