September Detox Challenge

This month I am going for another detox challenge. The objective is fatloss and muscle toned.

The action :

Strength training 5x a week

Cardio training 2x a week (HiiT and Low impact - swimming)

Wearing Miracle Shaper corset as waist training for min 6 hours daily for 30 days.

Follow Mealplan that I have done last year combine with intermittent fasting and drinking homemade detox vegetable smoothies every day and Nutrilite supplements (Calc, Omega3, Peptide collagen, plant protein and probiotic)

Clean eating : Cheat day : 90 : 10

Sleep and Stress maintained as the same level as before

This is the starting point

Weight : 49.3kg

Body fats : 25.3%

Body Age : 25

Visceral fat : 3


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